This website is owned and operated by CPRA Group Ltd. CPRA Group Ltd is a company established in England and Wales. Our registered office is 163, City Road, London EC1V 1NR. Our registered company number is 11592994. Our VAT registration number is 334097307. By using this website you agree to the terms and conditions below.
Whilst reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of any information contained on our website, we cannot provide a guarantee of its accuracy and we reserve the right to alter and amend our content, any documents and our terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. Furthermore, we offer no guarantee or warranty that our information, content and any graphics displayed on this website are error and virus free.
Services listed on the CPRA Group website are available to our clients globally. Our legal jurisdiction is England and Wales and we abide by English Common Law.
Our terms and conditions and the usage of our website are governed by English law. Any disputes arising in connection with our terms and conditions or our website will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
By using this website you agree that CPRA Group is indemnified against any losses, expenses, claims and damages incurred by you in relation to your use of this website.
This website is provided ‘as is’ and we do not make any guarantees or warranties of any kind that the service will not be interrupted, delayed, or that our website will be virus-free. We do not accept any liability or responsibility for losses or expenses incurred as the result of interruptions to our website.
This website is owned, controlled and operated by CPRA Group. The copyright, images and content displayed on this website belong to our company and any reproduction of our content and data for commercial use is in breach of our intellectual property rights.
The CPRA logo, images and graphics are registered trademarks or trademarks of CPRA Group Ltd and their use by third parties without permission is strictly prohibited.
This website contains links to third party websites. CPRA Group Ltd has no control over third party websites and we do not monitor or filter any third party content or servers. We take no responsibility for third party websites and any losses incurred as the direct result of links found on our website, linking to other websites. We reserve the right to ask third parties to remove any links to our website with immediate effect.
If you visit our website we may use your personal information and offer services to you. Please see our Privacy Policy for information on how we may use your data. Our Privacy Policy also explains how this website uses cookies and a link to a third party website, which explains cookies and how you can delete or restrict them.